Consecrator of +David Leon Cooper
Archbishop David Leon Cooper
October 4, 1992 Consecration:
Shrine of Jesus Christ
Yes, You Can Be A Priest!
Archbishop David Cooper says: “You can be a priest!” Yes, you can be an Orthodox Catholic Priest and be married, keep your job, and serve God! Bishop’s special program. As a priest, you can: Celebrate the Mass, Perform Holy Matrimony according to Biblical and Canonical guidelines, Hear Confessions, Anoint the sick, and Perform Holy Baptism
No degree is required. Train directly under an archbishop with valid holy orders
Send a letter or email to Archbishop Cooper now!
Archbishop David Cooper
Metropolitan Archbishop Cooper is the sponsor of this site.
Archbishop’s Sunday Mass at 10:00AM at Ambassador Gardens, Reseda, CA
(By invitation only! Call 818 390 3980). Helpers needed: Readers, Acolytes, Singers, etc.
Featured Members
John A. Friedline
Brother John A. Friedline, MD, ThD, DSL, MDiv
Currently completing Seminary for Ordination to Holy Orders. We are confident that he will make a fine Orthodox Catholic priest in the SOC EACS. Let’s all pray for him.
Jeffrey Dire
Father Jeffrey Dire, KTGA
Orthodox Catholic Priest, OCC
Our Lady of the Angels
Mass Center
Brookdale, IL
David Tatev
Sir David Tate, OLS, KCTJ, KstG, PGK
Knight Commander, Third Order of the Lion of Styria, OCC
Bailiff, Grand Council of the Sacred Magistery, Archdiocese of the Military Religious Order of Chivlary, OCC
Knight Commander, Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem
Knight, of the International Order Valiant of St. George
Past Grand Knight, Knights of Columbus
Diocesan Director, Knights of Columbus of Indiana
Charles Scheetz
Monsignor Charles Scheetz, OMM, MA, JD
Archpriest OCC
High Desert Region, California
Prayer Club for Healing
If you are interested in prayer for
the healing of others or yourself,
please send a text to:
There are no fees, no dues.
People for prayer. That’s it.
+Nyob Cameroon Africa
Bishop Nyob
Bishop Nyob
Bishop Nyob
+Nyob, Cameroon
Archbishop Cooper’s Poetry
Christ Consciousness, the Wellspring of Life
Dew of the Higher Self
Oh Soul’s Mind
Oh Divine Mind of my soul,
lead me.
Let me see clearer your way to be!
Uplift me that my vision may be clear
That I may see God and salvation dear!
Let me bathe in your holy light
Illuminated by Christ’s holy sight!
Fill me with higher consciousness today
That I may feel your love and say
Oh holy one my Divine Love
Let me be carried like a holy dove!
Divine light show me the path
And teach me to love and not for wrath!
Hold me in that holy light
That my little soul may not be in fright
Carry me as an angel in flight
And with the strength of your Absolute might!
Copyright David Leon Cooper
+++David Leon
Metropolitan Archbishop
Oh, Flowing Stream of Sublime Glory
Featured Members
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Orthodox Catholic Church (OCC)
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Find out how you can becone a Knight of God.
Sir Alfonso Martinez, OLS was vested as a Grand Collar in the Archbishop’s Guard of St. Sebastian, Third Order, and received our apostolic blessing in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit according to the traditions and customs of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church on January 9, 2021.
“The SOC EACS is a purely religious network. It has no assets and no financial activity.”
“The Orthodox Catholic Church is purely a denomination indicator not a specific organization.”